A sitemap is a visual or text map of a website - a list of all web pages grouped in sections as they show up on the website. The sitemap is a single file and its presence may have a considerable influence on the popularity of your site, particularly when you have a lot of content. It will enable visitors to go through the web pages and find what they need quicker, that will increase the possibility for them to revisit the Internet site or to share it with friends and colleagues. The sitemap is also needed for search engines like google to index your content better, so certain pages will be in the results for particular searches, which may not happen without having a sitemap even if you have the desired site content. This is especially valid when you update some web pages because the sitemap informs the search engines that they have to crawl this website again so as to index the latest content. Having a sitemap nowadays is a necessity rather than an optional feature for every profitable website.

SiteMap Generator in Shared Website Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel that we provide with our shared website hosting plans contains a built-in sitemap generator software instrument which will allow you to generate a sitemap for each and every website hosted in the account with only a couple of clicks. The tool features an extremely intuitive point-and-click interface that comes with several options depending on how comprehensive you would like the sitemap to be. You can choose the depth and the highest number of links to be indexed. In case you offer miscellaneous content on your Internet site, you can also add and remove certain file extensions, which allows certain file types to be included or excluded from your sitemap. A drop-down menu will allow you to choose any domain or subdomain hosted in the account, so the sitemap file will be generated right where it is needed and you will not have to do a thing manually.