Learn what Memcached is and precisely why a great number of use it for their databases.
Memcached is a commonly used content caching system, which can increase the speed and the performance of your websites immensely in case they use a database or an API. This is accomplished by caching the requests to the API/database and the replies that are returned, so when a client conducts a search for a certain product on your website, for example, the database won’t have to be accessed to display the results and the whole operation will be executed much faster. That goes for all types of database-driven applications and not only for online shops, since every time a web page is visited, the app sends a query to its database to get the data that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your site open significantly faster, but it will also generate much less load. If any content in the database is modified, the cached responses will also be updated, so the users won’t see any outdated info.
Memcached in Shared Website Hosting
If you host script-driven websites in a shared website hosting account with us, you’ll be able to add the Memcached memory caching system to your shared hosting package with just a few clicks of the mouse via your Hepsia Control Panel. The upgrade will be available immediately and, since the PHP extension needed for it is already installed on our innovative cloud platform, you can start using it straight away. To give you more versatility, we offer two different upgrades related to the number of instances (i.e. how many Internet sites will use Memcached) and to the amount of memory that Memcached will use. The latter is available in increments of 16 MB and you can order memory as many times as you like. Naturally, the more memory Memcached is allowed to use, the more data it will cache, so if you own a large-sized site with lots of data, you may need more memory so as to be able to make full use of the power that Memcached can give you.