Hosted Domains in Shared Website Hosting
The shared website hosting solutions that we provide allow you to host a different number of domain addresses. In this way, you can choose what package to acquire and how much to pay according to your needs. If you choose to host more domain addresses in the future than the number the current package enables you to, you can effortlessly upgrade the entire package or keep the same one and just add more slots for hosted domain addresses. If you want to use the registration services of another company, you will be able to see the name servers you need to set for your domains so that you can direct them to our cloud platform in the Hosted Domains area of the CP on our end. If you want to have everything in one spot, however, there's no limit on the number of domain names that you can register/transfer in your account no matter the hosting package you have chosen. Then you can decide if you will host any of them or you will direct them to other existing domains.